What does the River🌊 teach us, a very simple thing, to have free flow in our body, in our life.

                   A River which is flowing continuously and freely is so clean and crystal clear. Even if it comes across any obstacle, it just simply diverts itself and keeps flowing continuously. But if the obstacle is a big one🙄 and the flow of water slows down or becomes stagnant, then gradually filth and dirt sets in😔.

                  Similarly we should always have a free flow of breath, emotions and thoughts within us. No matter what they are and how they are let them just come and leave without any hindrance. The movement you hold them back, obstruct the flow, a heaviness sets in😟 and then goes on accumulating. By simply having a free flow of emotions and thoughts, you can keep yourself pure, light, vibrant and energetic like our beautiful rivers😃.

                 Thank you to all the beautiful rivers for teaching us this simple way of life🙇‍♀️.

                                       नदियाँ हमें सिखाती हैं , तुम बस बेहते रहो 

                                       रुको मत , थमो मत , बस मेरी तरह बेहते रहो ,

                                        हर पल को अपनाते हुए , हर पल बस जीते रहो ! 


                                                                  Namaste 🙏 



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